How to offer a pitch

In this article you will learn how to offer your first pitch on VanSite.
Written by Maximilian
Updated 1 year ago

Posting a parking space on VanSite is easy and quick. In this article you will find tips that can help you. If you still need help with the creation of your ad, or have a question, you can also get advice from our host service. Just contact us via the chat.

Create a new advertisement

To create a new listing, simply click on Add Space. If you are not yet registered with VanSite, you must register with VanSite before creating your ad. This way we will be able to assign your ad to you later.

Add information

After you have created your ad, you will first need to add some information and make settings.

1. The description

In the description you specify the name of your pitch, the description and the type of booking.

The name of your pitch should be meaningful and individual. It will help potential guests to remember your pitch better during their search. Avoid generic names, such as "Pitch on the farm". To find a good name, it helps to include the immediate surroundings of the pitch.

Good examples are:

  • Old village school - Under the chestnut tree
  • With a view of the alpaca pasture

The description of your space is the heart of every ad. The description in combination with the pictures (which we will come to later) will give potential guests a good insight. You should answer the following questions with at least 1-3 sentences each.

  • Where is the place on the property?
  • What can you do in the surrounding area?
  • Is the site alone, or are several pitches offered?
  • Are there busy roads within earshot?

Furthermore, avoid adding additional contact information such as phone number and email address. This will protect your personal data and ensure an orderly booking process through VanSite, which makes our platform possible.

Selecting the booking option is a basic setting in VanSite. Here you have two options

Booking on request

With this booking option, potential guests can only request a booking with you. You can then decline or accept this request.

Immediately bookable

A booking will be confirmed directly without any additional acceptance of the booking. If a stay is still not possible, you can cancel the booking up to 2 calendar days before the start of the stay. If you choose this booking option, please make sure to keep the availability of your pitch up to date.

2. Pitch suitability

In order to make it easier for travelers to find places that meet their basic requirements, we provide filter options for the search.

In order for these filters to work properly and your site to be displayed to the campers for whom it is suitable, you should indicate for which vehicles or accommodations your site is suitable or accessible. Please pay attention not only to the pitch itself, but also to the access.

3. Equipment

Not every camper who uses VanSite can manage without any equipment at the campsite. Therefore, enter the existing equipment, if any, to show your potential guests what they can expect at your site. Equipment especially from the camping area we want to briefly explain below.

Grey water disposal refers to the possibility of emptying waste water tanks of washing and rinsing sinks of a camper.

Black water disposal refers to the possibility of emptying waste water tanks of toilets of a camper.

For the equipment electricity, toilet, shower and fresh water you have the possibility to indicate extra costs per night or person. Your travelers can then book these additionally if required.

4. Environment & activities

With activities and surroundings you can make your pitch even easier to find for campers. When specifying activities, however, you should limit yourself to the activities that are offered directly at the campsite.

5. Arrival and departure time

The arrival and departure times help a potential guest plan their trip.

6. Location

The location of your pitch helps us to display the location correctly in the map search. The exact location is not displayed publicly. We use an arbitrary 1-kilometer radius, which shows the location of your pitch only inaccurately.

7. Price

To help you find the right price, we have already written an article here. In addition to the basic price for your pitch, you can specify the maximum number of people who can arrive and whether you want to increase the price above a certain number of people.

Additional offers are suitable for products (e.g. fruit baskets) and experiences (e.g. alpaca hikes), which you can offer directly via VanSite. Please note that in case of a successful sale of additional offers, VanSite will charge a fee of 15% of the sale price. The accommodation amount is not affected by this.

8. Rules

Campers who use VanSite agree to respect our Code of Conduct. This code includes basic rules of conduct for staying in nature. In addition, you have of course the possibility to define further rules within the framework of your house right.

Of course, you have to make sure that your rules do not discriminate against anyone because of their origin, sexual orientation or similar (§ 19 AGG).

9. Availability

With the availability you can determine with a few clicks when a booking of your pitch is possible. This is especially relevant if instant bookings are possible for your pitch. You can also easily adjust the availability of your pitch later.

10. Booking conditions

The response time serves as an orientation for potential guests in booking requests, how far in advance a booking should be requested from you. For example, if you specify 24 hours as the response time, travelers know that a request for a booking for the same evening will probably not be confirmed in time.

Cancellation terms are used to make bookings more binding and to specify how much money you will receive in the event of a cancellation. The portion you specify will be automatically transferred to you in case of cancellation and the rest will be refunded to your guest.

11. Fotos

Even if it sounds trite, but a picture is worth a thousand words. It's no different at VanSite. Good photos are characterized by the fact that they give guests a good overview of the actual pitch. In addition to the image content, the image quality is also crucial for this. We would like to briefly discuss both in the following

Image quality

Most important for the image quality is the image size. Photos from a smartphone are perfectly adequate for this purpose, provided they are not blurred and were taken in daylight.

Image content

In order for your guests to get a comprehensive impression, the following should be visible in your pictures:

The actual pitch on your property

The view from the pitch into the surrounding area

The entrance of the pitch at the narrowest point


The wider surroundings around the pitch

Details on the plot

12. Payout settings

      Your ad is ready, now you just need to set your payout method.

In order for guests to book your listing, you must first provide a bank account to which we can pay booking amounts. In addition to a bank account, further information is required for verification via our payment service provider. This step serves as a defense against fraud attempts.

If you have any problems setting up your withdrawal method, simply contact support via email or chat.

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